Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wishes for My Sister

What would you tell your 15 year old self? If you could go back in time would you change things or keep things just the same? I think about this constantly as I see my sister navigate her life and make decisions that I don't always agree with. Or not do the things that I think she actually should, like getting involved in extra curricular activities so that when she's faced with the question on her college application she actually has something to write. Or that she starts developing close relationships with her teachers. Things I wish I had known at her age.

1. Nothing is permanent. This too shall pass. 
2. Confidence. Don't have it? Fake it. 
3. You're worth it. Remind yourself of this. 
4. Mom is usually right. Not always, but usually. 
5. Don't hold it. Reach out to those you really care about you. You know who they are.
6. Building on #5, friends, (including boys) come and go. Family is always there. 
7. Clean your room. It really will help you feel better. 

I read an article recently, appropriately titled "10 Things I'd tell my 15-year old self" which I immediately sent to my sister. I encourage you to read and think about it.

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